General Questions


Below are a list of common questions about sharing and Borrow Nation. If you don’t see your question answered, or if you need some extra help, just let us know.

  1. What is Sharing Church?

    Sharing Church is a tool designed for churches to enable and grow an effective sharing program. As members of the body, we believe that everyone has resources, skills and talents that can and should be shared within the church. It saves time and money, builds stronger relationships and community, and it demonstrates the love of Christ within the church as well as the community.

  2. Who can use Sharing Church?

    Sharing Church is designed for Christian churches. Once a church account has been created members can sign up and begin sharing immediately.

  3. Why would I want to create a group?

    That's a great question. Research, and our own personal experience, indicates that most people are not comfortable sharing with people they don't know, or don't have a connection with. People naturally organize themselves into spheres of influence with varying degrees of "connection". Your church is one of those groups, and one that should demonstrate a spirit of sharing. Another common roadblock to sharing is that when we need to borrow something, we don't know who to ask or don't have a mechanism to let others know. Sharing Church solves this problem by allowing members of a group to let others know what they are willing to share, as well as allowing individuals to post needs that others can view.

  4. Can I share my stuff with anyone?

    Absolutely. Sharing Church allows you to choose for each item or service whether you are willing to share with the entire church or just with specific groups.

  5. Does it cost money?

    Individual accounts are absolutely free! We do plan to charge for large group accounts in the future, but are still working out those details. In the mean time, all group accounts are also free, and small churches will continue to always be free.

  6. What do you mean by "services"?

    In addition to items, Sharing Church gives you the ability to make your services available to friends, groups or the public. Services can be something you do professionally, such as through a business you own, or they can be a hobby or anything you are good at that you want to make available. Services can be free or paid, maybe at a discounted price. The general idea is that we each consume a number of services every day, and we hope that by listing services, individuals will choose to use the services of the people in their church thereby further strengthening their community.

  7. What are skills?

    Skills are a way for you to list the things that you are good at, or in some cases willing to do. Skills can be specialized such as plumbing or automotive repair, or they can be more general such as general labor or a willingness to paint. Skills are different from services in that individuals can not search skills. This protects the individual with the skill from being overwhelmed with requests for help in a given area. For example, if you are great with auto repair, you could easily receive numerous requests to help people fix their cars. Instead, skills work on a "pull" model. If you list a need that matches skills that your friends or groups have, then they will receive a notification. Then the person with the skill can decide whether to reach out and help. In many cases, this may just come down to whether they have time at that moment.

  8. What are needs?

    Needs can be anything (items, services, skills, etc) that you are not able to find already listed on Sharing Church. Because it's unrealistic to expect everyone to list everything they have on the site, there will be many cases where you may need something that someone has, but which they haven't listed. By posting a need, your friends and groups can reach out if they have what you are looking for. Keep in mind that needs don't have to be items. You could post that you need help cleaning out a garage or maybe you need prayer for an illness in your family. Needs are not restricted, which makes Sharing Church truly powerful in the way it connects people.

  9. My question isn't answered here.

    We're here to help. Use your simple contact form to send us a message and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible. You can find the link to our contact form in the footer or by visiting:

  10. I have a great idea for how to make Sharing Church even better!

    That's fantastic, and we'd love to hear it. Please use our Contact Us form located here: